Step 1:
Copy the Standard(s) and Essential Question(s)
N.CN.1 Students know there is a complex number i such that i squared = -1 and every complex number has the form of a+bi.
N.CN.2 Students add/subtract complex numbers
Essential Question(s):
What is i? How is it used in a power? What is the basic form of a complex number?
Copy the Standard(s) and Essential Question(s)
N.CN.1 Students know there is a complex number i such that i squared = -1 and every complex number has the form of a+bi.
N.CN.2 Students add/subtract complex numbers
Essential Question(s):
What is i? How is it used in a power? What is the basic form of a complex number?
5-6 Complex Numbers and Conjugates
Step 2:
Take notes on the "imaginary" numbers below.
Take notes on the "imaginary" numbers below.
Step 3:
Watch videos on simplifying the square root of a negative number.
Watch videos on simplifying the square root of a negative number.
Step 4:
Watch videos on simplifying imaginary numbers.
Add the "complex numbers" row and "imaginary numbers" column to your real number chart
Watch videos on simplifying imaginary numbers.
Add the "complex numbers" row and "imaginary numbers" column to your real number chart
Step 5:
Watch the video and take notes on adding complex numbers.
Take the quiz below before you leave today!
Watch the video and take notes on adding complex numbers.
Take the quiz below before you leave today!
Step 6:
Assignment: Algebra 2 Textbook p. 282
#'s 1-18, 24, 25, 27, 28
Assignment: Algebra 2 Textbook p. 282
#'s 1-18, 24, 25, 27, 28