5-6 Graphing Complex Numbers, finding Absolute Value and Conjugates
Step 1:
Copy the Standard(s) and Essential Question(s) into your spiral notebook.
N.CN.2 Students Add/Subtract Multiply/Divide Complex Numbers
N.CN.7 Students solve Quadratic equations with real coefficients that have complex solutions.
Essential Question(s):
What do you typically have to remember when Multiplying Complex Numbers? Dividing?
Copy the Standard(s) and Essential Question(s) into your spiral notebook.
N.CN.2 Students Add/Subtract Multiply/Divide Complex Numbers
N.CN.7 Students solve Quadratic equations with real coefficients that have complex solutions.
Essential Question(s):
What do you typically have to remember when Multiplying Complex Numbers? Dividing?
Step 2:
Take notes on graphing imaginary numbers and finding their absolute value from below.
Take notes on graphing imaginary numbers and finding their absolute value from below.
Step 3:
Watch the video on multiplying complex numbers. How do you divide? (see below)
Watch the video on multiplying complex numbers. How do you divide? (see below)
Step 5:
Assignment: Algebra 2 Textbook p. 282
#'s 23, 30-36, 39-41
Assignment: Algebra 2 Textbook p. 282
#'s 23, 30-36, 39-41