Learning Target:
SWBAT practice solving exponential equations involving finance applications by completing their MathXL assignment.
SWBAT practice solving exponential equations involving finance applications by completing their MathXL assignment.
Assignment Title:
"3-6 Finance Applications"
Complete 3-6 MathXL assignment
"3-6 Finance Applications"
Complete 3-6 MathXL assignment
Last Week in the semester.
Your Final Exam will cover the Prerequisite Chapter through Chapter 3.
You are allowed 1, 8.5 inch x 11 inch study guide paper only of formulas and notes to be used on the final.
NO Phones will be allowed!
4th period is the second final of 12/14
5th period is the second final of 12/15
6th period is the second final of 12/16
Your Final Exam will cover the Prerequisite Chapter through Chapter 3.
You are allowed 1, 8.5 inch x 11 inch study guide paper only of formulas and notes to be used on the final.
NO Phones will be allowed!
4th period is the second final of 12/14
5th period is the second final of 12/15
6th period is the second final of 12/16